Drina thought all that Mars business was as dead and buried as her military career.

She was content to live out her life in drunken peace and harmony in a shack on the Mayan Riviera. Then her old nemesis General Baptiste showed up with an
unreasonable request: rejoin the UFW and come to Mars
with them in a final push to defeat the rebellious and evil Free Mars Republic. 

As Drina faces down the unanswered questions of her past she meets up with the strange residents of the red planet: a grizzled crazy photographer, a boy soldier who looks exactly like her dead husband and a ragtag group of kids led by a pair of enigmatic, cigar-smoking twin 11 year old boys. 

But once she’s captured by the FMR the real horror begins. For Drina is about to meet the creature that killed her husband. The same ancient creature intent on taking Earth as its new homebase for an invasion of the galaxy.