Katabasis is a descent of some type, such as moving downhill, the sinking of the winds or sun, a military retreat, a trip to the underworld, or a trip from the interior of a country down to the coast. The term has multiple related meanings in poetry, rhetoric, and modern psychology.

In this, the age of Covid-19 pandemic, we’re a world descending into disarray. While some countries have handled the pandemic better than others, America’s government has seized the opportunity to use the pandemic for nefarious gains. As many have lost jobs, starved and even died billionaires have become trillionaires, public servants receive fatter dividends from their stock portfolio while the president himself wages war on sanity on a daily basis as his family fleeces the nation red and raw-handed.

It’s something few expected and far fewer predicted, save for a handful of movies and tv shows. By the time you read this millions will have died and millions more will. We, the survivors (if we survive this at all), shall undergo a transformation of unexpected and unforeseen magnitude. We can never return to normal as normal is a fantasy, a shifting landscape of mismatched memories and selective hearing. Our normal is the stuff of nightmares yet we cling to it like a child clings to a doll for security and safety from the demons and dangers of the night. 

This is the descent into the unknown, a world we’d never imagined yet subconsciously knew lurked in the realm of possibility. This is the timeline we trod and there is no going back. 

This is the era of KATABASIS.